Questo programma permette ai bambini a partire dai 6 anni di immergersi e di provare diversi modi di esplorare il mondo marino che li circonda.
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Esplora i corsi da quelli di livello iniziale ai professionisti, gli eventi della community e viaggi con immersioni di tutto il mondo. Immergiti in un mondo di scoperte e esperienze indimenticabili con i nostri corsi SSI e il calendario eventi.
Cerca nel center locator della zona o di qualsiasi altro luogo del mondo e trova il tuo partner preferito. Scopri quali siti di immersione gestisce, controlla il programma di addestramento, i viaggi e gli eventi sociali e molto altro ancora.
Esplora migliaia di siti di immersione verificati in tutto il mondo: vedi quali animali puoi incontrare in ogni sito, quali sono le condizioni di immersione e quale centro di addestramento ti ci porterà.
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Hai a disposizioni molti livelli da professionista delle immersioni da raggiungere, e aspettano solo te. Esplora le tue opzioni sperimentando un nuovo stile di vita e opportunità di carriera in tutto il mondo!
Crea un profilo utente gratuito per poter accedere ai programmi di prova gratuiti SSI, usa il logbook digitale con migliaia di siti di immersione in tutto il mondo e molto altro ancora.
Europe is one of the world’s most popular travel destinations, famous for its food, culture, architecture, ...
Scuba DivingTravel
Reef diving might be the obvious jumping off point as a diver, but beyond coral landscapes there are hundre...
Scuba DivingEnvironmentTravelmuck divingmacro diving
Whales are beautiful, elegant in the water, and intelligent in ways we do not even fully understand. To see...
Blue OceansEnvironment
Big news, animal lovers! We have just launched our brand new SSI Marine Mammal Ecology course, where you ca...
marine mammalsBlue OceansEnvironment
The Canary Islands are the home of the Angelshark, and if you want to meet this beautiful shark species, yo...
Scuba DivingconservationenvironmentLanzarotespecialcanary islandsangel shark
New evaluation method shows the impact of fishing on "by-catch species"A new method for assessing fish stoc...
Dramatic environmental damage in the FehmarnbeltIn August 2019, the German navy blew up 42 ground mines in ...
baltic seaharbour porpoiseenvironmentEnvironment
Research team opens up a source for new antibioticsThe team around Prof. dr. Christian Jogler from the Frie...
OSPAR meets – Growing Resistance to UK platform disposal"Shell - The sea is not your dump"Almost unnoticed ...
The wind blows streaks of powdery snow over the ice, forming wave patterns, elevations and valleys as one w...
greenlandice divingspecialSSI News
Researchers studied natural gas leaks in the Mediterranean off ItalyThe storage of carbon dioxide in the se...
climate changeco2environmentEnvironment
Immediate protection measures for seabirds urgently neededNABU has formally filed a complaint at the Europe...
North Seaenvironmentwind farmenvironment conservationEnvironment
33 days of invaluable knowledge about bluefin tunaLast year, marine scientists succeeded in providing a 250...
Trawl nets endanger many speciesIn Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), the marine environment should be particul...
oceanconservationfishingmarine sanctuaryenvironmentEnvironment
More than 30 percent of fish stocks being overfished A report published on July 7th in Rome by the FAO h...
WDC reports on possible causes of whale strandings This spring, there have been numerous strandings of s...
researchconservationWDCsperm whalesstrandingenvironmentEnvironment
More than one ton of fishing nets have been recovered near Sylt in the North Sea by divers from Ghost Fishi...
conservationfishingplasticGreenpeaceghost netsnetsenvironmentEnvironment
Since April 16th, the Greenpeace ship Beluga II has been underway on a new journey to publicise the growing...
German environmental organisations have called for a more effective level of marine protection in the North...
Seabirds aren't the only animals that are threatened by the bane of microplastics. In two separate studies,...
A crater at the bottom of the North Sea has yielded fresh insights into the fate of methane released at the...
climate changecratergeologymethaneNorth SeaenvironmentEnvironment
On World Food Day on October 16th, the WWF reiterated its warning about the impact of overfishing on man an...
WWFfishFish Forward Projectoverfishingsustainable fishingWorld Food DayenvironmentEnvironment