Questo programma permette ai bambini a partire dai 6 anni di immergersi e di provare diversi modi di esplorare il mondo marino che li circonda.
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Esplora i corsi da quelli di livello iniziale ai professionisti, gli eventi della community e viaggi con immersioni di tutto il mondo. Immergiti in un mondo di scoperte e esperienze indimenticabili con i nostri corsi SSI e il calendario eventi.
Cerca nel center locator della zona o di qualsiasi altro luogo del mondo e trova il tuo partner preferito. Scopri quali siti di immersione gestisce, controlla il programma di addestramento, i viaggi e gli eventi sociali e molto altro ancora.
Esplora migliaia di siti di immersione verificati in tutto il mondo: vedi quali animali puoi incontrare in ogni sito, quali sono le condizioni di immersione e quale centro di addestramento ti ci porterà.
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Hai a disposizioni molti livelli da professionista delle immersioni da raggiungere, e aspettano solo te. Esplora le tue opzioni sperimentando un nuovo stile di vita e opportunità di carriera in tutto il mondo!
Crea un profilo utente gratuito per poter accedere ai programmi di prova gratuiti SSI, usa il logbook digitale con migliaia di siti di immersione in tutto il mondo e molto altro ancora.
Whether you are interested in freediving or simply pushing your physical limits, extending your breath-hold...
Every year on June 8th, we celebrate World Ocean Day; A day dedicated to appreciating the many gifts that o...
Many ocean lovers engage in more than one water sport to get the most out of their time in the water. Surfe...
Did you know that the world record for the longest static breath-hold is over 11 minutes long?A breath-hold...
For a sport that is focused around notbreathing, there is actually a lot of breathwork involved in freedivi...
Freediving is an activity that can benefit you in many ways, from allowing you to see marine life up close,...
VDI has introduced the world to the most advanced diving simulator/game App. This is as close to diving as ...
Scuba DivingSSI News
The decades of expertise behind Mares and rEvo rebreathers have combined to create a unique semi-closed reb...
XRTechnical DivingSCRSCR Divingsemi closed rebreather
New Greenpeace report calls for global action to save the oceansLarge parts of the oceans could soon fail i...
Life on Mount Vema is recovering after fishing banGreenpeace activists aboard the "Arctic Sunrise" found im...
environmentspecialmount vemaEnvironment
Certain plastics are decomposed by sunlightA study published by researchers from the Woods Hole Oceanograph...
Since the end of September ‘Celebes Divers’ is the first climate-neutral dive resort in Northern Sulawesi, ...
climate changeoceanenvironmentEnvironment
Researchers studied natural gas leaks in the Mediterranean off ItalyThe storage of carbon dioxide in the se...
climate changeco2environmentEnvironment
The world's largest study investigates endangered coral reefs in the Indo-Pacific The world's largest co...
climate changeconservationenvironmentEnvironment
Family vacation de luxeHigh mountains, lush pastures with colourful flowers, low-turquoise mountain lakes -...
FamilyspecialLake LucerneFamily
Cuttlefish are resistant to ocean acidificationCuttlefish will probably survive climate change and can thri...
Smile, drink, perform: 26,350 meters to go24 kilometres without fins and of course without a breathing devi...
divingworld recordapneaFreediving
Research project determines the CO₂ uptake of the oceans between 1994 and 2007Not all carbon dioxide (CO₂) ...
climate changeoceanco2environmentEnvironment
Young fish show organ damage at high CO2 concentrationsAtlantic cod is one of the most important commercial...
climate changeoceanacidificationenvironmentEnvironment
Ocean acidification in the sea has an impact on the behaviour of cephalopods Blake Spady of the ARC Cent...
researchclimate changeoceanconservationenvironmentEnvironment
International researchers investigate gas emissions in Arctic Large quantities of the greenhouse gas metha...
researchoceanmethanecarbon dioxideenvironmentEnvironment
Fish's sense of sight, smell and hearing becomes impaired due to rising carbon dioxide levels The surviv...