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Ustvarite uporabniški profil in dobili boste takojšen dostop do brezplačnih preizkusnih programov SSI, uporabljali boste digitalni dnevnik s tisoči potapljaških mest po vsem svetu in še veliko več.
There are over 3000 species of jellyfish in the waters of our beautiful, blue planet, and new species ...
Scuba Diving
Halloween is almost here, and it has got us feeling spooky! We wanted to take a look at some of the scaries...
The deepest parts of the world’s oceans hold some of the strangest creatures known to science. We are going...
July 14th is Shark Awareness Day, and to celebrate, we are going to discuss the importance of sharks to our...
Coral is something that all divers love to see underwater. Coral reefs showcase all the colors of the rainb...
The spectacular Coral Triangle is the underwater equivalent of the Amazon rainforest and is the epicenter o...
Scuba DivingIndonesiaPhilippinessolomon islandsMalaysiadive sitesdive travelbest diving spotscoral trianglePapua New Guinea
World Wildlife Conservation Day on December 4, 2019On the occasion of the World Wildlife Conservation Day...
International Museum Day at the German Maritime Museum Stralsund: Diving activitiesThe German Maritime Muse...
Historical Diving MachineMuseumspecialSSI News
The first underwater museum in the USA opened off the coast of FloridaIn late June 2018, a submarine sculpt...
underwater museumFloridaspecialEnvironment
With an eye for details What makes a good underwater photo? A difficult question, because it is often a ...
model photographyMermaidMermaidingTODIMermaid
Experience natural history in virtual reality Seven German organisations are the latest addition to Goog...
oceanconservationvirtual realityenvironmentEnvironment
Invasive species threatens natural biodiversity. Due to the Mediterranean Sea’s rising temperatures, th...
researchclimate changeoceanbiodiversityenvironmentEnvironment
More funds to be allocated to oceanic research In the coming years, the focus of research will be on The...
Since April 16th, the Greenpeace ship Beluga II has been underway on a new journey to publicise the growing...
The exhibition ship MS Wissenschaft will host the new "Seas and Oceans" exhibition, under the Year of Scien...
In 2014, members of a diving club on Texel Island in the Netherlands found sunken treasure in a shipwreck o...
wreckdivingtreasureTexel Islandcaves and wrecksTechnical Diving
This year, step into the fascinating world of cephalopods, at the German Oceanographic Museum's Meeresmuseu...
German Oceanographic MuseumoctopuscephalopodSSI News
Climate change has affected many parts of the world, giving rise to ocean acidification in the oceans. Scie...
coralreefclimate changeocean acidificationecosystemHyperDiver SystemenvironmentEnvironment
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) announced the Year of Science 2016/17, with the motto...
oceanArcticplasticpollutionBMBFprotectionseaYear of ScienceEnvironment
Come 1 January 2017, Europe's first underwater museum – Museo Atlántico Lanzarote – will open with more tha...
conservationartJason deCaires Taylorsculptureunderwater museumenvironmentLanzarotespecialEnvironment
Open Fotosub Tenerife Güímar 2015 have been announced. Now in its sixth year, the competition had taken p...
tenerifecompetitionphotographyGüímarSSI News
New Exhibition Showcases Development Of Deep-Sea Research And Technology If not for technical breathing ...
researchoceanDeep SeaEnvironment
GEOMAR Open House in Kiel on 12 July 2015 How dangerous is plastic waste in the ocean? How much World Wa...
GEOMARscienceresearcheventSSI NewsEnvironment