Ta program otrokom, starim vsaj šest let, omogoča, da se spustijo pod vodo in preizkusijo različne načine raziskovanja vodnega sveta okoli sebe.
Imamo vašo aplikacijo "vse v enem" za vse, kar se dogaja pod vodo! Digitalne certifikacijske kartice, učno gradivo, dnevnik in še veliko več. Zdaj si zagotovite brezplačno aplikacijo MySSI!
Raziščite tečaje za začetnike in inštruktorje, skupnostne dogodke in globalna potapljaška potovanja. Potopite se v svet odkritij in nepozabnih doživetij z našim tečajem SSI in koledarjem dogodkov.
V iskalniku centrov poiščite center v svojem kraju ali kjerkoli po svetu in poiščite partnerja po svoji izbiri. Oglejte si, katera potapljaška območja upravljajo, preverite njihov prihajajoči urnik usposabljanja, potovanja in družabne dogodke ter še veliko več.
Raziščite na tisoče preverjenih potapljaških lokacij po vsem svetu: preverite, katere živali lahko srečate na vsaki lokaciji, kakšni so pogoji za potapljanje in kateri center za usposabljanje vas bo tja pripeljal.
Svoje mesto v SSlovi globalni mreži poiščite v bazi podatkov o delovnih mestih - nenehno rastemo in za vas imamo veliko kariernih možnosti!
Ustvarili smo edinstveno in obsežno podatkovno zbirko, ki povezuje potapljaška mesta in njihova potencialna srečanja z divjimi živalmi s centri za usposabljanje SSI po vsem svetu. Oglejte si jo in virtualno načrtujte svojo naslednjo potapljaško pustolovščino!
Čakajo vas številne profesionalne ravni potapljanja. Raziščite svoje možnosti in spoznajte nov življenjski slog ter karierne priložnosti po vsem svetu!
Ustvarite uporabniški profil in dobili boste takojšen dostop do brezplačnih preizkusnih programov SSI, uporabljali boste digitalni dnevnik s tisoči potapljaških mest po vsem svetu in še veliko več.
As divers, we have the unique privilege of exploring the underwater world. With that privilege comes respon...
SSI News
Liveaboard diving offers the opportunity to explore the most remote and untouched reefs around the globe. U...
If you are interested in exploring the world of deep diving, becoming an SSI Deep Diver might be just what ...
Technical Diving
When you begin your journey as a recreational scuba diver, you are likely to hear some words and phrases yo...
Scuba Diving
The pursuit of improving our diving skills challenges us to push boundaries and venture into realms few hav...
Scuba DivingSSI NewsTravel
I will never forget seeing a healthy and thriving reef for the first time. I began my scuba diving career i...
scuba divingSSI NewsTravel
June kicks off the summer season, and scuba diving enthusiasts worldwide eagerly prepare for unforgettable ...
The world is calling – are you ready to travel? With many travel companies offering vacation packages at va...
Scuba DivingMyDiveGuideTravel
Fall has come and gone in the blink of an eye for the northern hemisphere, and winter is starting to creep ...
VDI has introduced the world to the most advanced diving simulator/game App. This is as close to diving as ...
Scuba DivingSSI News
Drift diving is one of the best ways to explore the underwater world. It is efficient, you cover more area,...
Scuba Divingscuba divingTraveldrift dive
If you are thinking of planning a diving trip any time soon, there is no better place to venture than Ocean...
Scuba Divingscuba divingMyDiveGuideTravelOceania
It is the start of a new year and the perfect time to pack your bags and explore the world. Whether you wan...
Scuba DivingMyDiveGuideTravelJanuaryNew YearBest Dives
When it comes to liveaboard diving, experienced scuba divers can have it all. As well as diving at the most...
Scuba DivingmaldivesIndonesiaPhilippinesliveaboardgalapagoskomodoTechnical Divingdive travelmicronesiaTravelSocorro IslandsMexico divingpalauliveaboard destinationsliveaboard dive tripsCosta Rica
Liveaboards are the best way to explore far-flung dive destinations and immerse yourself in diving. As an a...
australiaMalaysialiveaboardliveaboard holidaydive travelmicronesiaTravelliveaboard destinations
As an advanced diver, it is time to explore more challenging dive sites, put your skills into action and vi...
Scuba DivingmaldivesIndonesiacoral reefswreckdivingPhilippinessolomon islandsbelizeFrench Polynesiacayman islandsdive traveladvanced divingidyllic destinations
Micronesia is a diver’s paradise, offering everything from flourishing reefs and sheer drop-offs to world-c...
wreck divingTechnical Divingdive traveltruk lagoonmicronesiapalau
There is something about exploring dark, mysterious caves that is irresistible and attracts divers into the...
Technical DivingSSI cave divingcave divingcave diving coursecave diving coursescave diving certifications
When it comes to diving, there is nothing like drifting over light-filled coral reefs or along coral-encrus...
Scuba Divingreefmaldivesred seagreat barrier reefcoral reefsPhilippinesmexicobelizeraja ampatFijidive travelCozumelpristine reefsreefsTravelpalauMauritius
The Japanese Pearl Harbour In 2018 I had the incredible opportunity to visit one of the worlds’ most remot...
XRExtended RangeTechnical DivingChuuk Lagoonoperation hailstone
Aggressor Adventures created a $300 USD incentive Here’s how it works You buy any one of the SSI Specialt...
Scuba DivingSSISSI NewsAggressorincentivevoucherAggressor Adventures
UW Photo-Contest with hundreds of photographers from all of the worldDivePhotoGuide and Wetpixel are proud ...
Scuba Divingphoto contestspecial