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Raziščite na tisoče preverjenih potapljaških lokacij po vsem svetu: preverite, katere živali lahko srečate na vsaki lokaciji, kakšni so pogoji za potapljanje in kateri center za usposabljanje vas bo tja pripeljal.
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Ustvarite uporabniški profil in dobili boste takojšen dostop do brezplačnih preizkusnih programov SSI, uporabljali boste digitalni dnevnik s tisoči potapljaških mest po vsem svetu in še veliko več.
When it comes to your diving bucket list, it is hard to beat encountering the ocean’s giants. From whales a...
Scuba DivingTravel
The Red Sea, renowned for its crystal-clear waters and vibrant coral reefs, is truly a diver’s paradis...
The ocean is home to some of the oldest living species on Earth; creatures that have survived for hundreds ...
There are over 3000 species of jellyfish in the waters of our beautiful, blue planet, and new species ...
Scuba Diving
In this latest Edges of Earth update, the team take a deep dive into the world of mantas with The Manta Tru...
Scuba DivingSSI News
As divers, we want to protect the oceans we love but it can feel overwhelming when we are surrounded by neg...
SSI NewsTravel
Nestled in the heart of the Coral Triangle, the Philippines boasts some of the most breathtaking ...
Love manta rays? Then get ready for the ultimate adventure as the Edges of Earth team shares their experien...
Scuba DivingEnvironment
Puerto Rico sits within the Caribbean and has over 143 islands, keys and atolls. This gorgeous archipelago ...
The Bahamas is famous for its crystal-clear shallow waters and pristine white sand beaches and is a haven f...
The pursuit of improving our diving skills challenges us to push boundaries and venture into realms few hav...
Scuba DivingSSI NewsTravel
The incredible diversity of the world’s oceans and the complexity of its creatures allow symbiotic relation...
The deepest parts of the world’s oceans hold some of the strangest creatures known to science. We are going...
Are you a dedicated scuba enthusiast seeking the out the best scuba diving in September? Look no further as...
The month of May brings changing seasons around the world and SSI is here to help you find the best diving ...
Bioluminescence is light that is created and emitted by living organisms. It is useful to a multitude of cr...
Blue OceansEnvironment
As the northern part of the world beings to defrost and look toward the warmer months ahead, March’s weathe...
Jellyfish are ancient and fascinating sea creatures who can be found in waters all over the world. Most di...
Environmentmarine life
Coral is something that all divers love to see underwater. Coral reefs showcase all the colors of the rainb...
Half of the world may still be covered in snow and ice during February, but that means the other half is st...
Scuba DivingMyDiveGuideTravel
All divers and water-lovers enjoy the thrill of seeing sharks in the water... The increased heartbeat and t...
Halloween is coming up, so why not trick or treat yourself to a spooky night dive?Glow in the dark biolumin...
Scuba Divinghalloweennight dive
Believe it or not, the fall season is a fantastic time to go diving in many locations around the globe. Wit...
Whale shark day falls on the 30th August each year, and we would like to take a moment to appreciate these ...
whalesharkBlue OceansEnvironment
The summer may be winding down, but your diving activity does not have to. In most places around the world,...
scuba divingMyDiveGuideTravel
Scuba diving with sharks is an exhilarating and magical experience that you will remember forever. Whether ...
sharksBlue OceansEnvironmentMyDiveGuide
Being in the water with manta rays is an incredible experience that most ocean-lovers dream of. There is no...
manta raysEnvironmentMyDiveGuidewildlife sightingswildlifeTravel
The seasons are changing around the world during May, offering the best dive conditions at some of the worl...
maldivesaustraliagreat barrier reeftravel tipsFrench PolynesiagalapagosomanFijidive travelTravelunited kingdom
French Polynesia - the name alone brings to mind idyllic atolls in clear, turquoise waters, luxurious resor...
French PolynesialiveaboardMyDiveGuideTravel
Made up of more than 1100 coral islands spread over 90,000 square kilometers, the Maldives has countless ep...
Scuba DivingmaldivesMyDiveGuideTravel