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Illegal fishing on a large scale by Vietnamese wooden boatsA flotilla of Vietnamese fishing boats with crew...
conservationPacificsea cucumberenvironmentgiant clamsEnvironment
Less chance for Shark babies in stressed environmentsAn international research team has found that shark ba...
How Squid, Octopus & Co. do it…The sex life of cephalopods is diverse and idiosyncratic. In a recent pa...
Cuttlefish are resistant to ocean acidificationCuttlefish will probably survive climate change and can thri...
Cryptobenthic fish are the cornerstone of the ecosystemNew research has shown that the short life and viole...
Deep reefs are full of lifeScientists have looked into the depths of the Great Barrier Reef and documented ...
researchreefoceanenvironmentDeep sea reefEnvironment
Reduced salinity of seawater has devastating effects on coralsRecent studies show that drastic changes in s...
Fluorescent light attracts microalgaeCorals know how to attract good company. A research study has shown th...
Restricted visibility on the reef costs anemone fish a lot of energyScientists at James Cook University hav...
Ocean acidification in the sea has an impact on the behaviour of cephalopods Blake Spady of the ARC Cent...
researchclimate changeoceanconservationenvironmentEnvironment
New research has revealed the existence of vast fields comprising circular mounds in the north of the Great...
underwaterresearchreefgreat barrier reefbiohermenvironmentEnvironment
Scientists investigate bacterial communities on reefs Good bacteria may be essential to maintaining the ...
researchclimate changeconservationcoralsenvironmentEnvironment
Thousands of sharks become bycatch and perish on longlines meant for tuna Tuna fishermen who share infor...
researchoceanconservationsharksbycatchfishing industryenvironmentEnvironment
In 1778, thirteen ships had been sunk by British forces in the Newport Harbour off Rhode Island during the ...
American RevolutionHMS EndeavourHMS SandwichJames CookRIMAPEnvironment
Stress levels in baby fish can be reduced by slightly more than one-third in the presence of large predator...
In areas where motorboats regularly operate, prey fishes have a higher tendency of being caught and eaten b...
For the first time, researchers managed to capture three-dimensional images of an underwater canyon. The s...
underwaterdivingresearch3-DBay of Biscaycanyondatamappingmapsmarine imagingrobotWhittard CanyonEnvironment