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Armored cruiser from the First World War located in the South Atlantic at 1,610 metersThe German Admiral Gr...
wreckspecialScharnhorstarmored cruiserTechnical Diving
Research team opens up a source for new antibioticsThe team around Prof. dr. Christian Jogler from the Frie...
A drone as a flying fishA bio-inspired robot uses water from the environment to create a propellant gas and...
New technology delivers unique images An autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) called REMUS SharkCam was f...
environmentgreat britaingiant sharkEnvironment
Greenpeace Report: Deep-sea mining threatens marine ecosystemsThe planned large-scale mining of manganese n...
Highest concentration of plastic particles at depths of 200 to 600 metersA newly published study in the jou...
Researchers do not know how the animals survive thereAnimals need oxygen to live. Now marine biologists hav...
Deep SeaoxygenenvironmentEnvironment
Sonar free areas poor in foodUsing data from underwater robots, scientists have discovered that beaked whal...
A burial mound at the bottom of the lakeThe "Sweet Lake" (Süße See)in Saxony-Anhalt (Germany) is a real tre...
Together with an international team of radiation experts, Greenpeace is currently at Fukushima, measuring t...
For the first time, researchers managed to capture three-dimensional images of an underwater canyon. The s...
underwaterdivingresearch3-DBay of Biscaycanyondatamappingmapsmarine imagingrobotWhittard CanyonEnvironment
Using technology to combat starfish scourge The crown-of-thorns starfish is a real bane for coral reefs,...
researchconservationcoral reefcrown-of-thorns great barrier reefstarfishenvironmentEnvironment
While searching for carbon emissions related to volcanic activity in the Gulf of California, the German dee...
GEOMARresearchoceanBlack SmokerHydrothermal VentEnvironment
GEOMAR Open House in Kiel on 12 July 2015 How dangerous is plastic waste in the ocean? How much World Wa...
GEOMARscienceresearcheventSSI NewsEnvironment