Овај програм омогућава деци од шест година да иду под воду и пробају различите начине на које могу да истражују водени свет око себе.
Imamo vašu "all-in-one" aplikaciju za sve pod vodom! Digitalne sertifikacione kartice, materijali za učenje, evidencija i još mnogo toga. Odmah nabavite besplatnu MySSI aplikaciju!
Истражите курсеве од почетника до инструктора, догађаје у заједници и глобална ронилачка путовања. Уроните у свет открића и незаборавних искустава уз наш SSI курс и календар догађаја.
Претражите локатор центра у вашој области или било где где желите да путујете широм света и пронађите партнера по избору. Погледајте која ронилачка места раде, проверите њихов предстојећи распоред тренинга, путовања и друштвене догађаје и још много тога.
Истражите хиљаде верификованих локација за роњење широм света: погледајте које животиње можете да сретнете на свакој локацији, какви су услови за роњење и који центар за обуку ће вас тамо одвести.
Пронађите своје место у ССл-овој глобалној мрежи преко базе података о пословима - ми стално растемо и имамо много опција за каријеру за вас!
Kreirali smo jedinstvenu i sveobuhvatnu bazu podataka, povezujući Dive Sites i njihove potencijalne Susrete sa divljim životinjama sa SSI centrima za obuku širom sveta. Proverite i isplanirajte svoju sledeću ronilačka avanturu virtuelno!
Čeka vas mnogo ronilačkih profesionalnih nivoa. Istražite svoje opcije dok doživljavate novi način života i svetske mogućnosti za karijeru širom sveta!
Направите кориснички профил и одмах ћете добити приступ бесплатним пробним програмима ССИ, користити дигитални дневник са хиљадама ронилачких локација широм света и још много тога.
SSI is proud to announce two new unique specialties, "Coral Reef Restoration" and "Invasive Species Managem...
Scuba Diving
SSI is rapidly growing and expanding, and with the current ‘We Want You’ promotion, we expect even more div...
Scuba DivingSSI News
Becoming an SSI Open Water Instructor is a huge accomplishment and a fantastic starting point for an e...
With its breathtaking natural beauty and unmatched wildlife, many divers have placed Thailand at the very t...
As part of a project in collaboration with members of the Bundeswehr, we recently delved into the ther...
SSI is excited to announce a new way to enjoy diving this summer: the SSI Dive Log Challenge. As a passiona...
SSI Newsdivelog
Although CGI can be used to create incredible special effects in movies, stunt performers still play an imp...
Big news, animal lovers! We have just launched our brand new SSI Marine Mammal Ecology course, where you ca...
marine mammalsBlue OceansEnvironment
Whether you’re a diver yourself already, or not, scuba diving is an incredible hobby to get your child (and...
Familyscuba divingstart divingFamily
SSI is excited to announce the release of the SSI Explorers Program, where kids aged 6-11 years old can ge...
Familyscuba divingstart divingFamilySSI Newskid-friendlychild
Are you bored of work and looking for an adventure? If you love the oceans, you might have thought about be...
Scuba DivingSSI ProfessionalDream jobDream careerDive Instructor
Virtual Divers International (VDI) is the world’s first realistic diving simulator. This App isas close to ...
Scuba DivingSSI Newsdiving simulatorgaming appvdi
Being a part of the SSI family as either an SSI Training Center or Professional gives you unparalleled acce...
Scuba DivingtrainingSSI Newstraining centerprofessionalsssi professionalswhy choose SSISSI crossoverdive professionals
Learning to scuba dive is one of the most rewarding adventures of your lifetime. As a new diver, you are in...
Scuba Divingstart divingequipmentscuba gearscuba gear essentialsdiving equipmentnew divers
Recognizing our Professionals who are SSI Marine Ecology experts. We are launching a NEW SSI Marine Guide ...
SSI NewsEnvironmentecology programsRecognition LevelRecognitionMArine Guidesustainable company
Every diver cares about the environment in some way - a bold yet true statement! No matter what got you int...
sustainabilityEnvironmentEnvironmentally Conscious Diverenvironmentaleco diverecology diversustainable
SSI offers free SSI Marine Ecology digital kits. Based on the fact that a lot of countries are either once...
Scuba DivingSSISSI NewsEnvironmentecology programsMarine EcologyDry Specialties
Earning the rating of SSI Master Diver is the pinnacle of recreational scuba diving. It makes you a better,...
Scuba DivingSSImaster diverdive trainingSSI NewsRecognition LevelRecognition
The MySSI app is the most comprehensive tool for divers in the industry today. It is an innovative one-stop...
Scuba DivingSSIMySSI AppSSI NewsMySSI
Many years ago Scubadiving had been one of the great adventures in Life. Of course there has also been spor...
Climate change has affected many parts of the world, giving rise to ocean acidification in the oceans. Scie...
coralreefclimate changeocean acidificationecosystemHyperDiver SystemenvironmentEnvironment