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Истражите хиљаде верификованих локација за роњење широм света: погледајте које животиње можете да сретнете на свакој локацији, какви су услови за роњење и који центар за обуку ће вас тамо одвести.
Пронађите своје место у ССл-овој глобалној мрежи преко базе података о пословима - ми стално растемо и имамо много опција за каријеру за вас!
Kreirali smo jedinstvenu i sveobuhvatnu bazu podataka, povezujući Dive Sites i njihove potencijalne Susrete sa divljim životinjama sa SSI centrima za obuku širom sveta. Proverite i isplanirajte svoju sledeću ronilačka avanturu virtuelno!
Čeka vas mnogo ronilačkih profesionalnih nivoa. Istražite svoje opcije dok doživljavate novi način života i svetske mogućnosti za karijeru širom sveta!
Направите кориснички профил и одмах ћете добити приступ бесплатним пробним програмима ССИ, користити дигитални дневник са хиљадама ронилачких локација широм света и још много тога.
Becoming a freediver connects you with yourself and invites you to go beyond what you thought possible. It ...
Freediving is a captivating sport that allows you to explore the underwater world in an intimate and exhila...
Before moving from New York to Perth, Western Australia, I had never heard of Vanuatu. It was not until I b...
Scuba DivingSSI NewsTravel
Freediving, with its active and exciting nature, allows you to explore the depths of the underwater world i...
When we do multiple scuba dives in one day, we need to take surface intervals. They help to keep us safe an...
Scuba Diving
Scuba diving can take you traveling all over the world. With a massive international community you are neve...
Scuba Divingscuba diving
Bioluminescence is light that is created and emitted by living organisms. It is useful to a multitude of cr...
Blue OceansEnvironment
For a sport that is focused around notbreathing, there is actually a lot of breathwork involved in freedivi...
If you are coming to the end of your working life, you might be starting to think about what to do with all...
Sorry to state the obvious here, but we are unable to talk to each other underwater. So how do scuba divers...
Scuba DivingFreediving
Marine Protected Areas safeguard a small percentage of the world’s marine areas; they are put in place to e...
Halloween is coming up, so why not trick or treat yourself to a spooky night dive?Glow in the dark biolumin...
Scuba Divinghalloweennight dive
Did you know that there is a new hand signal in the diving world? A group of Dutch divers, diving companies...
divingoceanmicroplasticScubaDivingplastic soup foundationp for plasticstop plastic pollutionenvironmentEnvironment
We are continually working on improving the MySSI App by adding new features and making it easier to use. I...
divingoceanappScubaDivingMySSI Appnew featurebuddy listbuddydiving buddytauchendive loglog bookspecialSSI News
On the eastern shores of the Mediterranean, you have the opportunity to experience a shark phenomenon curre...
sharksSSIHadera Estuary Recreational ParkScubaDivingdive site of the monthdusky sharksand bar sharkspecialSSI News
Many years ago Scubadiving had been one of the great adventures in Life. Of course there has also been spor...