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Čeka vas mnogo ronilačkih profesionalnih nivoa. Istražite svoje opcije dok doživljavate novi način života i svetske mogućnosti za karijeru širom sveta!
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Whether you are interested in freediving or simply pushing your physical limits, extending your breath-hold...
As freedivers aim to reach greater depths, the importance of psychological training becomes as critical as ...
Scuba diving is a thrilling yet relaxing activity that offers a unique perspective of the underwater world....
Scuba Diving
Today we are going to talk about the benefits of flexibility exercises and yoga for freediving. Integrating...
Up to 9% of the human population suffer from ‘thalassophobia’: a fear of deep bodies of water such as ...
Freediving has been appearing on our screens more and more recently with documentaries such as My Octopus T...
Freediving is more than a sport! It is a way to explore the underwater world without too much dive equipmen...
Many ocean lovers engage in more than one water sport to get the most out of their time in the water. Surfe...
For a sport that is focused around notbreathing, there is actually a lot of breathwork involved in freedivi...
Buoyancy control can seem a little daunting when you first start out in scuba diving. You may look at your ...
Freediving is an activity that can benefit you in many ways, from allowing you to see marine life up close,...
In some diving circles there is a lighthearted rivalry between freedivers and scuba divers… A debate of whi...
scuba divingFreediving
Have you been looking for a new hobby but cannot decide what to go for? …Well look no further, we have some...
Have you ever watched a freediver dive under the water? They look so relaxed, and they move with such elega...
In Part II of our diving panic and anxiety series, we look at more great ways to overcome your dive nerves....
Scuba Divingdive anxietymeditationreduce dive anxietytechniques
Scuba diving is one of the greatest adventures of your life, but it can quickly be ruined by dive anxiety o...
There are people who dive hundreds of feet, deep and over ten minutes with just one breath. Nik Linder is s...
Freediving is meant to be the sport which changes your lifestyle, so some people are quite afraid of taking...