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"The ocean looks so different from when I first started diving". If you have met someone who has been in th...
Scuba DivingTravel
When it comes to your diving bucket list, it is hard to beat encountering the ocean’s giants. From whales a...
Cozumel’s Caribbean waters boast next-level visibility and vibrant blue hues, certainly in part due to the ...
The Kingdom of Tonga is one of the most picturesque countries in the Pacific Islands and boasts palm-f...
The MV X-Press Pearl spilled nearly 75 billion plastic pellets into the ocean; but all hope is not lost. In...
Scuba DivingSSI NewsTravel
Moalboal hosts one of the world’s most accessible and impressive sardine bait balls. In Edges of Earth’s la...
Venturing into the open ocean to dive with apex predators can be an intimidating prospect. To many, the ide...
The mesmerizing beauty and diversity of marine life have captivated humankind for centuries. For those seek...
Bonaire is a small island located in the southern Caribbean that is known for its pristine coral reefs and ...
Technical Diving
Are you a scuba-loving family looking to take the ultimate dive vacation together this summer?There are num...
Written by Ben Schulz (Tauchen) / Co-written by Tal Tamir and Elizabeth Langenberg. Top tips for a country ...
June kicks off the summer season, and scuba diving enthusiasts worldwide eagerly prepare for unforgettable ...
With its lush emerald islands, bucket-list pelagics and spectacular coral reefs, French Polynesia diving is...
Scuba DivingFrench PolynesiaMyDiveGuideTravel
In many countries outside of the EU, it is difficult or impossible to find M26 valves, cylinders, or adapto...
XRExtended RangeTechnical DivingM26
Lack of respirators is an ongoing issue the entire world seems to struggle with, in the face of the current...
Scuba DivingMaresSSI Newscoronafull face maskCovis 19CPAPrespirators
Accidents happen in fractions of a second and the outcome often lasts for weeks, months and sometimes for a...
Scuba Divingsafetyspecialsafer shorelines
It's like shoveling snow at 37 degreesThe diving conditions are actually optimal: no current, no dangerous ...
Scuba Divingspecialindustrial diving
Fishing in the Atlantic kills 25,000 endangered mako sharks each yearAgainst the capture of tens of thousan...
sharksfinningenvironmentshark protectionEnvironment
OSPAR meets – Growing Resistance to UK platform disposal"Shell - The sea is not your dump"Almost unnoticed ...
WWF: Mediterranean is the most dangerous sea for sharks worldwideOver half of all shark and ray species liv...
Better protection for historic wrecksFor some years, systematic archaeological investigations have been car...
Maltacaves and wrecksspecialTechnical Diving
International research team publishes latest seafloor maps Tectonically, the Mediterranean is very activ...
researchtectonic platesseafloorenvironmentEnvironment
More than one ton of fishing nets have been recovered near Sylt in the North Sea by divers from Ghost Fishi...
conservationfishingplasticGreenpeaceghost netsnetsenvironmentEnvironment
German environmental organisations have called for a more effective level of marine protection in the North...
Due to the increasing number of shipping accidents in the Maldives, the government has announced stricter s...
maldivesboatsafetyspecialSSI News