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Skapa en användarprofil så får du omedelbar tillgång till SSI:s kostnadsfria Prova-På-Kurser, använd den digitala loggboken med tusentals dykplatser runt om i världen och så mycket mer.
Boat diving offers a completely different experience to shore diving, allowing you access to more remote (a...
Scuba Diving
Scuba diving in poor visibility can be challenging but also uniquely rewarding. Murky waters, strong curren...
If you are on your way to becoming an Advanced Open Water diver, you might want to start thinking abou...
When you begin your journey as a recreational scuba diver, you are likely to hear some words and phrases yo...
Diving in cold water can be a very different experience from diving in warm, tropical waters. However, loca...
scuba diving
There is some diving gear that we simply must have when we are scuba diving. These essentials keep us safe ...
Scuba Divingdive gear
VDI has introduced the world to the most advanced diving simulator/game App. This is as close to diving as ...
Scuba DivingSSI News
Drift diving is one of the best ways to explore the underwater world. It is efficient, you cover more area,...
Scuba Divingscuba divingTraveldrift dive
Virtual Divers International (VDI) is the world’s first realistic diving simulator and allows you to perfor...
Scuba DivingSSI Newsdiving simulatorgaming appvdi
The holidays are almost here, and you have a scuba diver in your life. But what doyou get them? Your search...
Scuba DivingSSI NewsEnvironmenteco diverscuba gear essentialsgifts for scuba diversfreediving gifts
So, you are thinking about getting your first drysuit so you can dive all year round? There are some simple...
Scuba DivingSSI Newsscuba geardrysuitdrysuit diving
Learning to scuba dive is one of the most rewarding adventures of your lifetime. As a new diver, you are in...
Scuba Divingstart divingequipmentscuba gearscuba gear essentialsdiving equipmentnew divers
There are two types of surface marker buoy that are commonly used by divers, surface marker buoys (SMBs) an...
Scuba DivingTechnical Divingequipmentsurface marker buoySMBDSMBbuoysurface markerscuba gearscuba gear essentialsdiving equipment
In this blog, we look at the components of stage bottle rigging and how to set up a stage bottle for open c...
XRExtended RangeTechnical DivingXR divingEquipment Techniquesstage cylinderriggingdecompression divingdiving equipment
The United Kingdom - various opportunities for sea diving Summertime has finally arrived in the northern h...
Scuba DivingdivingoceandivessiSSIsea survivalRNLIUK divinglife boatSSI coursediving educationsurvive at seabeginner