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Vi har skapat en unik och omfattande databas som kopplar samman dykplatser och deras potentiella möten med vilda djur med SSI:s utbildningscenter över hela världen. Kolla in den och planera ditt nästa dykäventyr virtuellt!
Det finns många dykproffsnivåer som väntar på dig. Utforska dina alternativ medan du upplever en ny livsstil och världsomspännande karriärmöjligheter över hela världen!
Skapa en användarprofil så får du omedelbar tillgång till SSI:s kostnadsfria Prova-På-Kurser, använd den digitala loggboken med tusentals dykplatser runt om i världen och så mycket mer.
It is tempting to believe that we have already uncovered everything there is to know about our planet, espe...
Scuba DivingSSI News
Is there a special birthday or anniversary coming up for a diver in your life? Or would you just like to tr...
Scuba Diving
Cambodia’s scuba diving scene was once considered the best in the world. Divers could encounter unique spec...
Scuba DivingTravel
Embark on a thrilling journey as we introduce the all-new SSI Job Offers Page, a testament to our commitmen...
SSI News
As the diving season kicks off, MyDiveGuide has introduced new features to enhance your diving experience. ...
VDI has introduced the world to the most advanced diving simulator/game App. This is as close to diving as ...
If you are like all other divers, you most certainly wish you could dive more. The demands of life, such as...
Scuba Divinglocal divinglocal training centerlocal dive sites
Learning to scuba dive is an incredible journey that shifts your perspective in numerous ways. It starts th...
Scuba Divingscuba divingstart divinglearning to scuba dive
New study reduces uncertainties in greenhouse gas emissionsMethane (CH4) is a powerful greenhouse gas that ...
climate changemethaneGreenhouse gasenvironmentEnvironment
A burial mound at the bottom of the lakeThe "Sweet Lake" (Süße See)in Saxony-Anhalt (Germany) is a real tre...
Web-based application improves data evaluation and availabilityCoral reefs are as vulnerable as they are be...
International research team publishes latest seafloor maps Tectonically, the Mediterranean is very activ...
researchtectonic platesseafloorenvironmentEnvironment
Since April 16th, the Greenpeace ship Beluga II has been underway on a new journey to publicise the growing...
Climate change has affected many parts of the world, giving rise to ocean acidification in the oceans. Scie...
coralreefclimate changeocean acidificationecosystemHyperDiver SystemenvironmentEnvironment
For the first time, researchers managed to capture three-dimensional images of an underwater canyon. The s...
underwaterdivingresearch3-DBay of Biscaycanyondatamappingmapsmarine imagingrobotWhittard CanyonEnvironment
GEOMAR Open House in Kiel on 12 July 2015 How dangerous is plastic waste in the ocean? How much World Wa...
GEOMARscienceresearcheventSSI NewsEnvironment