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Diving is an activity that combines adventure, exploration, and physical endurance. However, it also brings...
Scuba DivingFreediving
If you asked the average person to do a word association between "disease" and the year "2020," one very ob...
Scuba DivingSSI News
For divers looking to explore the depths of the ocean, the right equipment can make all the difference. In ...
Technical Diving
Do you shiver while diving in certain coldwater spots? …It might be time to invest in a drysuit! Providing ...
Extended RangeTechnical Divingdry suit
From traveling the world and exploring stunning underwater landscapes, to making new friends and creating l...
Scuba Divingscuba divingstart diving
Few things can make you feel as free and at one with the world around you as freediving. The act of freediv...
SSIFreediving8 reasonsSSI Freediving
Researchers want to study mobile oxygen minimum zonesThe nets are in place: As part of the Helmholtz enviro...
environmentocean eddiesvortexEnvironment
Ice plays a crucial role in the global climateIce is water in its solid form, but it is also important to o...
There are people who dive hundreds of feet, deep and over ten minutes with just one breath. Nik Linder is s...
Barium in the coral skeleton records the intensity of the South Asian summer monsoonWhen it comes to unders...
Research project determines the CO₂ uptake of the oceans between 1994 and 2007Not all carbon dioxide (CO₂) ...
climate changeoceanco2environmentEnvironment
Long-term observations contradict previous viewsThe subpolar North Atlantic plays a crucial role in global ...
oceancirculationdeep waterenvironmentEnvironment
GEOMAR researchers publish long-term observations from Labrador Sea The Labrador Sea in the northwestern...
researchclimate changeoceanenvironmentEnvironment
Global change leads to rising ocean temperatures and less oxygen The current global change leads to ri...
International researchers discover development of ocean currents The Gulf Stream transports ocean heat a...
researchoceanGulf StreamenvironmentEnvironment
Daily fluctuations in the sea surface temperature in the mid-latitudes influence the long-temporal variabil...
GEOMARresearchclimate changeoceansea temperatureenvironmentEnvironment