Vattenlivet i våra hav, sjöar, floder och vattendrag är fantastiskt! Undervattenslivet finns i alla möjliga former och storlekar, från mikroskopiska zooplankton till det största djuret på jorden, blåvalen. Eftersom 71 procent av jorden är täckt av vatten är det inte konstigt att vi är så fascinerade av vad som finns under ytan. Forskare uppskattar faktiskt att det finns nästan 1 miljon olika arter av vattenlevande djur. I sötvattensekosystemen lever främst fiskar, ryggradslösa djur och reptiler, medan havet innehåller ett brett utbud av marint liv som fiskar, blötdjur, kräftdjur, reptiler, hajar och marina däggdjur som valar, delfiner, sälar och sjökor.



De är mycket fredliga och helt säkra, vilket gör det till en fantastisk upplevelse att simma med valhajar.

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Att dyka med vithajar är en upplevelse som man bara får uppleva en gång i livet.

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Det är en extraordinär upplevelse att dyka med tigerhajar och bevittna deras råa kraft och imponerande närvaro.

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Det finns bara en handfull platser där dykare säkert kan stöta på makohajar.

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Bli en förespråkare för blåhajen genom att dyka med dessa majestätiska varelser.

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Stor Hammarhaj

Unna dig ett oförglömligt äventyr nu och dyk med hammarhajar idag.

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Flerhornig Hammarhaj

Oavsett var i världen du dyker med kammhajdar, kommer det garanterat att bli en upplevelse för livet.

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Att dyka med vitspetshajar är en oförglömlig och ödmjuk upplevelse.

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Att uppleva denna unika jaktmetod för tresherhajar live är något som du aldrig tidigare har sett under dykning.

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I motsats till citronhajens hotfulla grimas med sina utskjutande böjda tänder är dessa djur faktiskt ganska vänliga mot människor.

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På grund av deras lugna beteende är dykning med sandtigerhajar en vanlig och trevlig upplevelse.

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Att dyka i klart havsvatten med tjurhajar kan vara en spännande upplevelse som man bara får uppleva en gång i livet.

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Eftersom de huvudsakligen äter revlevande arter finns silverspetsar endast i varma tropiska vatten.

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Om du vill dyka med silkeshajar kan du behöva planera en resa som inkluderar dykning i blått vatten i områden med stora fiskar som tonfiskar.

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Korallhaj (Vitfenad Revhaj)(Triaenodon obesus)

Vitspetshajar anses inte vara aggressiva mot människor och hotas i allmänhet inte av mänsklig närvaro.

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Mindre svartfenad revhaj (Carcharhinus melanopterus)

Svartspetshajar är en av de vanligaste hajarna att se vid dykning i Indo-Pacific-regionen.

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Systerhajar brukar vanligtvis vila på revets botten eller i små grottor - kolla in kartan för att se alla de bästa dykplatserna.

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Wobbegongs är också kända som "matthajar" på grund av det lurviga skägget som växer runt deras munnar.

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Zebrahajar lever på korallrev och klipprev i tropiska vatten i Indo-Stilla havet - här är dykplatserna.

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Grå Revhaj

Det är alltid spännande att dyka med grå revhajar eftersom de ofta är väldigt nyfikna på dykare när de först kommer ner i vattnet.

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Större Svartfenad Revhaj

Har du någonsin drömt om att dyka med den oceaniska svartspetshajen? Om så är fallet, kolla in här för att utforska dem.

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Om du vill lägga till ängelhajar till din lista över hajmöten kan du utforska kartan.

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Såghajar är mycket unika hajar med en lång sågliknande nos som är kantad av vassa tänder - här är de bästa dykplatserna.

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Tarpons are impressive, ancient ocean fish and a fun, popular catch amongst saltwater anglers. Since prehistoric times, they have been swimming in our oceans and are now considered one of the great saltwater game fish. Tarpons, on average, grow up to 2 meters (6.5 feet) long and 45 kg (100 lbs) or larger! Divers who encounter tarpon underwater often mistake them as sharks at first due to their massive size and silver coloration.

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The ocean sunfish, commonly known as the Mola mola, are one of the most extraordinary fish found in the ocean. Due to their round, flattened form they are reminiscent of a millstone, called mola in Latin. Ocean sunfish are found in both temperate and tropical regions around the world. They are frequently seen near the surface, an amazing site to witness as they bask in the sun to raise their body temperature after deep ocean dives, sometimes as deep as 600 meters!

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Large-mouthed, heavy-bodied groupers consist of several marine fish species from the family Serranidae, mainly from the genera Epinephelus and Mycteroperca. You can go diving with various grouper species throughout the world’s oceans. They live in warm, tropical waters and like to patrol around reefs and shipwrecks.

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One of the most fascinating fish on the reef, moray eels come in nearly every size and color from the tiny, bright blue ribbon eel, the smallest averaging only 25 cm long, to the black speckled giant moray which can grow up to 4 meters in length! In fact, there are nearly 200 different species. Most morays are marine dwelling fish, but several species have been seen in brackish water, and just a few are found in fresh water. They are clearly distinguishable from the other reef fish with their long, slithering bodies, pointy snouts full of sharp teeth, and long dorsal fins that run the entire length of their bodies. No matter the species, these animals are always an exciting site to see while scuba diving.

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Sand eels encompass several small fish species within the sand lance family, Ammodytidae. Contrary to its name, the sand eel is not an eel at all but a distinctively slim fish with a pointed snout, giving them the look of an eel. Sand eels derive their name from their unique behavior of burrowing into the sand tail-first to escape predators. Divers can see sand eels poking their heads above the sand-covered bottom, sometimes hundreds at a time in a single area.

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Snake eels are easily identifiable by their long, snake-like bodies and pointed tail and snout. They can range in length from 5 cm (2 in) to 2.3 m (7.5 ft) long and typically exhibit colorful spots or stripes. The name “snake eel“ represents over 200 marine fish species within the Ophichthidae family, all of which are more docile than their aggressive cousins, the moray eels. Snake eels live throughout the world, mostly in warm, tropical waters or temperate locations. They have a wide range of habitats, from shallow reefs down to the depths of the ocean.

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The conger eel, also known as the European conger, is distributed throughout the eastern Atlantic Ocean and is particularly present in the Mediterranean Sea. These robust eels are the heaviest marine eel species within the Congridae family and a favorite sighting amongst European divers, growing up to 3m (9.8 ft) in length and 72 kg (159 lb) in weight!

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The wolf eel is not an eel at all but one of five “wolffish“ species, having paired gill slits and pectoral fins. These long, skinny fish can grow quite large, reaching up to 2.5m (8.2 ft) long. These coldwater marine fish can be found hiding in the caves, crevices, and rocky reefs along North America’s Pacific coast, from Baja California, Mexico north to Kodiak Island, Alaska. You can also find wolf eels on the east coast of Russia and south to the Sea of Japan.

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Skalar (Pterophyllum)

Not to be confused with the freshwater angelfish of the Amazon Basin, marine angelfish are brilliantly colored and live on the warm, shallow water reefs of the Atlantic, Indian, and western Pacific Oceans. This beautiful family of reef fish consists of about 86 different species, the most well-known being queen, king, french, royal, and grey angelfish. With their large, laterally compressed bodies, small, up-turned mouths, and bright colors, they are hard to miss and a favorite sighting for most divers.

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Fjärilsfisk (Chaetodontidae)

There are nearly 130 different species of marine butterflyfish all living in the tropical waters of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. These beautiful, small fish are known for swimming in monogamous pairs but can sometimes be seen in large schools. Like their larger cousin, the angelfish, they are a favorite sighting for scuba divers and snorkelers due to their beautiful, bright coloration and striking patterns. Another distinguishing characteristic is the eyespots many species have on their flanks to trick predators, similar to those found on butterfly’s wings.

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Clownfiskar (Amphiprioninae)

Not the best swimmers, Clownfish seek shelter in their anemone homes throughout most of the day. These distinctly colorful fish have developed a highly intricate and mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship with their anemone homes, earning them the nickname: anemonefish. Due to this sophisticated relationship, they tend to stay within a maximum radius of four meters to their anemone host in order to hide quickly within its tentacles in case of danger. If you’re lucky enough dive with clownfish you could experience these cute little fish attempting to “attack“ you to defend their anemone.

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Despite their protruding teeth, menacing grin, and aggressive predatory status, barracuda are actually completely passive towards divers and snorkelers, although passing by a large adult can still be intimidating to the most experienced scuba diver. They are found in tropical and temperate oceans throughout the world, preferring to cruise over coral reefs, seagrass beds, and near the surface of the water, never venturing very deep; therefore, they are commonly sighted while scuba diving.

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Trevallies, also commonly called Jacks or Jackfish, include many various species within the Carangidae family. They are a large species of silvery marine fish and a favorite game fish amongst open water anglers. These massive predators can be found individually and in schools throughout the Indo-Pacific region, ranging from South Africa west to Hawaii and Japan south to Australia. Jackfish/Trevallies are intelligent fish species, using targeted hunting strategies to pick off their prey, including other fish species, crustaceans, cephalopods, and mollusks.

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Scorpionfish are one of the most venomous yet undetectable fish species in the sea. These ambush predators are experts at blending into their environment as they sit and wait patiently on top of the reef for unsuspecting prey to swim by. Ranging in color from dull browns and yellow to bright reds and oranges, scorpionfish perfectly match the surrounding reef and even exhibit feathery fins or skin flaps to better camouflage with neighboring coral.

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Lionfish are native to Indo-Pacific waters and are usually found hiding under ledges or in shallow caves at depths between 2 and 60 meters. They are diurnal, meanings they hunt both during the day and at night but often stay hidden until sunset to avoid predators. Unfortunately, lionfish have become an invasive species in the western Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. In fact, despite their menacing beauty, lionfish have become a huge problem in the Caribbean as their population has spread tremendously in just a single decade. In fact, the Science Channel has claimed they are “one of the most aggressively invasive species on the planet.” These flashy predators are considered fairly aggressive and harmful to humans so take caution when diving with lionfish and keep a safe distance.

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Part of the anglerfish family, the unique frogfish could probably be voted one of the strangest-looking fish in the sea. Small in size, the frogfish is easily recognizable by its short, stocky, brightly colored body covered in spinules. The frogfish always looks worried with a mouth that gapes open, making it a favorite amongst photographers.

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Snappers are a popular food fish commonly seen trolling coral reefs and a favorite sighting amongst scuba divers. These colorful, large marine fish include around 113 species within the Lutjanidae family. On menus throughout tropical destinations like the Caribbean, you can find the most popular snapper, the red snapper. The largest snapper, the cubera snapper, grows up to 1.52 m (5 ft) in length.

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The beautiful and abundant surgeonfish encompasses about 75 species of reef-dwellers, commonly called tangs, unicornfish, and doctorfish. These tropical marine fish are members of the ancient Acanthuridae family and derive their name from sharp spines on both sides of their tail base, which resemble a surgeon’s scalpel. You can easily recognize these brightly colored marine fish by their relatively small mouths, oblong-shaped bodies, extended dorsal fins, and unique, intricate markings.

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Sweetlips och Grunts

Depending on where you are, diving with sweetlips or grunts is guaranteed throughout the coral reefs of the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific Oceans. You can find these medium-sized fish in large schools trolling coral reefs and rocky areas for food and hiding out under large overhangs or in small caverns amongst the reef. Members of the Haemulidae family, sweetlips and grunts are closely related to snappers. You can dive with sweetlips throughout the Indo-Pacific region, while diving with grunts is possible in the Atlantic.

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With around 80 different species, the parrotfish comes in almost every color of the rainbow. These wrasse family members are a permanent fixture on coral reefs worldwide, although you will see the most species diversity in the Indo-Pacific. You can go diving with parrotfish on nearly every warm-water coral reef of the world and see them alone, in pairs, or in large schools, depending on the species.

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Soldierfish are a common sighting amongst divers visiting tropical and subtropical locations and are typically seen swimming in tightly organized schools that may resemble a military formation, hence their name. Members of the squirrelfish family, soldierfish have red bodies and wide eyes. Due to their nocturnal behavior and desire to live in caves and overhangs throughout the reef, soldierfish are also recognizable by their large eyes.

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All it takes is seeing a triggerfish swim by to know you are officially in the tropics. These brightly colored and ornately patterned fish are common to the subtropical and tropical regions of the world’s oceans, with the highest species diversity found in the Indo-Pacific. There are roughly 40 different species of triggerfish averaging 20-50 cm (8-20 in) in length; however, the stone triggerfish reaches up to 1 m (3.3 ft) long. Triggerfish derive their name from the first two dorsal spines they can activate to ward off predators or lock themselves into holes and crevices to hide. Triggerfish can then unlock these spines by depressing the smaller “trigger“ spine.

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Most wrasses species have extraordinary, bright coloration. With over 600 different species, wrasses are as varied in size as they are in their brilliant color. They are identifiable by their elongated bodies, protruding canine teeth, and thick lips. It is fantastic to dive with wrasses and watch them swimming around coral reefs firsthand. These lively fish make coral reefs even more colorful.

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Damselfish are a common sighting amongst coral reefs throughout the tropical regions of the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific oceans. There are around 250 different species of these small fish, all within the Pomacentridae family. Damselfish are easily recognized by their rounded bodies, elongated dorsal fin, and small, forked caudal fin. Juveniles are especially enjoyable to see as they are typically covered in vibrant spots.

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Aptly named for the two large “whiskers,“ or barbels, protruding from their chin area, goatfish are famous for these two chemosensory organs they use to hunt for food. You can typically do diving with goatfish along the shallow reef flats, where they like to dig around through the sand and sediment in search of their next meal. They use their “whiskers“ to feel around in the sand for their next meal of small invertebrates and fish.

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Tuna are the sea’s mightiest swimmers and one of its most agile predators. With a sleek, streamlined, torpedo-shaped body built for speed, this pelagic species can reach speeds up to 75 km/h (45 mph). Unfortunately, however, this speed is no match for the commercial fishing that threatens some of their populations. As a result of overfishing, tuna fish species like the southern bluefin tuna are nearing extinction.

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The saltwater garfish, also commonly known as garpike or needlefish, is found in the temperate and tropical brackish and marine waters of the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean, Caribbean, Black, and Baltic Seas. Not to be confused with its freshwater cousin, the North American gar of the Lepisosteidae family, the marine garfish is a member of the Belonidae family.

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Not to be confused with its smaller cousin, the pufferfish, you can distinguish porcupinefish by their elongated bodies and large eyes. There are several species of porcupinefish within the Diodontidae family, all of which can inflate their bodies when provoked or threatened. They activate this unique defense mechanism by swallowing water or air to increase their size and cause the sharp spines covering their bodies to stand on end.

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The puffer fish is named after its ability to inflate itself like a ball in danger or stress. They pump water into a sac-like enlargement of their stomach, causing them to deform into a ball. This change in volume makes it almost impossible for predatory fish to swallow the puffer fish and it can even suffocate them. If this stress reaction is caused willfully by divers, puffer fish can sometimes inadvertently suck in breathing gas from divers, which leads to them being buoyant and floating helplessly on the surface. This usually ends fatally for the animal. They are rarely eaten by predatory fish, but dolphins have been observed to get intoxicated on these animals by chewing lightly on them, which causes the puffer fish to release small doses of the strong neurotoxin tetrodotoxin. This poison is fatal to humans and no antidote is known; ironically, however, in Japan puffer fish is considered a delicacy called fugu. However, people’s curiosity about this questionable delicacy leads to accidents every year.

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Koffertfisk (Ostraciidae)

Diving with boxfish is always a treat, as their uniquely shaped bodies and bold coloration bring excitement to any coral reef. Boxfish, also commonly known as cowfish or trunkfish, include 23 species of square, bony fish in the Ostraciidae family. They are clearly identifiable by their rigid, box-shaped bodies. Most species are also covered in spots or hexagonal shapes, and many have horn-like projections from the tops of their heads.

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The beautiful garibaldi fish is hard to miss as it swims in, out, and around the kelp forests of the Pacific Ocean. Clearly distinguishable by its bright orange body, heart-shaped tail fin, and crystal-blue eyes, this relative of the damselfish is a favorite amongst those diving off the west coast of the United States and Mexico. The only fish that may be more vibrant in the water is a garibaldi in its juvenile state. Deep orange in color and covered in electric blue spots, diving with juvenile garibaldi is always a treat.

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Trumpfish are classic residents of the coral reef and are clearly recognizable by their tubular, skinny bodies, long snout, and wide mouth. You can find them hovering vertically or horizontally just above the reef and under ledges or hiding amongst coral and gorgonians. Trumpetfish are relatively large reef fish and can grow to a maximum length of 80 cm (31 in). They are typically reddish-brown, yellow, or blue-gray and can change color to camouflage with their surroundings.

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Vimpelfisk (Heniochus diphreutes)

Bannerfish are one of the most commonly seen fish amongst the Pacific reef community. Often referred to as false Moorish idols, bannerfish are easily distinguishable by their less ornate black, yellow, and white striping and smaller snout. There are two types of bannerfish, both native to the Indo-Pacific region: longfin and schooling bannerfish. These relatively small reef fish can grow to a maximum length of 18-21 cm.

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Flundra (Skrubbskädda) (Platichthys flesus)

Flounder is a generalized term for any number of flattened fish species belonging to the families Pleuronectidae, Paralichthyidae, Achiropsettidae, and Bothidae. This unusually shaped fish looks like a flattened oval with the dorsal and anal fins running along the entire length of the body. One of the flounder’s most unusual characteristics is that after just a few days of life, one of its eyes begins to migrate to the opposite side of its head to what eventually becomes the fish’s top side.

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There are roughly 39 different species of emperor fish throughout the Indo-Pacific region, belonging to the Lethrinidae family. You can see these reef-dwelling fish hunting along the seafloor for a variety of small animals, as well as sifting through the sandy bottom for tiny crustaceans. Divers can recognize the emperor fish by their typical fish-shaped body, large scales shaped in a diamond pattern, thick lips, and large eyes.

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Bandmuräna (Spökål)

The ribbon eel is a uniquely beautiful moray eel species and the only member of the genus Rhinomuraena. Also known as the leaf-nosed moray eel or bernis eel, these small eels are recognizable by their long, thin bodies, high dorsal fin, and extended anterior nostrils. They display brightly colored bodies and actually go through different color phases throughout their lives. Juveniles are strikingly beautiful, with black bodies and a bright yellow dorsal fin running their entire length. Male ribbon eels then change to a bright, electric blue color, keeping the yellow dorsal fin, and females change their entire bodies to bright yellow.

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Panter Muräna (drakål)

The ornately colored dragon moray eel, also known as the leopard or panther eel, is one of the most beautiful eels in the moray family. With vivid white spots set against its reddish-hued skin, the dragon eel is easily distinguishable. During the day, these nocturnal hunters like to hide amongst the rocky reef, so look for them in every crack and crevice during your dive. Thanks to their unique appearance, dragon eels are a favorite amongst underwater photographers.

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The seamoth is a unique marine species in both looks and behavior. Seamoths belong to the Pegasidae family of fish which derive their name from the Greek animal, Pegasus. They clearly resemble this famous mythological creature thanks to their flattened bodies, long snout, and large, wing-like pectoral fins. In China, these fascinating fish are called dragon fish, and for a good reason.

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The exotic leaf scorpionfish, also commonly known as leaf fish, paperfish, and sailfin leaffish, is a clearly recognizable marine ray-finned fish from the Scorpaenidae family. You can go diving with leaf scorpionfish in the warm waters of the Indo-Pacific, where it is widely distributed. The leaf scorpionfish can be hard to spot as it only reaches 10 cm (3.9 in) when fully grown and camouflages well with its coral reef environment.

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Havsabborre (Dicentrarchus labrax)

Det är alltid roligt att dyka med sötvattensabborre eftersom de kan bli ganska stora och föredrar varmare, grunt och klart vatten - ta reda på var du kan se dem.

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Gädda (Esox lucius)

Att dyka med gädda är en oförglömlig upplevelse eftersom de kan bli ganska stora och är mycket vackra under vattnet - ta reda på det.

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Karp (Cyprinus carpio)

Dyk med karp i dag genom att besöka en av dykplatserna på kartan.

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Om du vill dyka med öring är det bäst att du tar med dig en tjock våtdräkt - ta reda på var du kan se öring.

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Ål är bottenlevande, så när du dyker med ålar ska du leta efter dem i hålor, i växtmassor och mellan stenigt substrat.

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Vill du dyka med gösarna? Hitta de bästa dykplatserna på kartan.

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Abborre (Perca fluviatilis)

Om du vill dyka med abborre är våren en utmärkt tid för att se dem - ta reda på var.

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Havskatt (Anarhichas lupus)

Om du vill dyka med havskatt kan du utforska kartan med dykplatser.

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Lax (Salmo salar)

Om du någonsin har velat dyka med lax, klicka här för att hitta dykplatser där laxen kan ses.

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Om du vill dyka med hogchokers, klicka på kartan.

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Om dykning med störar står på din önskelista kan du klicka här för att hitta de bästa dykplatserna.

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Sarv (Scardinius erythrophthalmus)

Den vanliga rödingen kommer från karpfamiljen Cyprinidae och är hemmahörande i sötvattensjöar och floder i Europa och Asien.

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Fjällröding (Salvelinus alpinus)

Ålle, även känd som röding, är en nära släkting till öring och lax i Nordamerika.

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Den lilla europeiska pungfisket är vanligt förekommande i England och Wales kalla sötvattenbäckar, sjöar och floder.

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Bitterling (Rhodeus amarus)

Den europeiska bitterlingen är en liten, vanlig fisk som finns överallt i Europas grunda sötvattensdykplatser.

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Tench, även känd som doktorfisk, är en tjock, tung, storväxande fisk med olivgrön till svart rygg och bronsfärgad buk och en karpliknande form.

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Stickleback är en liten, skallös fisk som finns i sötvatten, bräckt vatten och havsvatten i de tempererade områdena på norra halvklotet.

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Loach Goby

Lodjursgrynsnäckan är en medelstor fisk som lever i tropiska, snabbt strömmande vattendrag i Asiens bergsregioner.

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Andra Däggdjur


Tarpons är imponerande, urgamla havsfiskar och en rolig och populär fångst bland saltvattenfiskare. Sedan förhistorisk tid har de simmat i våra hav och anses nu vara en av de stora saltvattenfiskarna. Tarpons blir i genomsnitt upp till 2 meter långa och 45 kg eller mer! Dykare som stöter på tarpon under vattnet förväxlar dem ofta först med hajar på grund av deras enorma storlek och silverfärgning.

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Klumpfisken, allmänt känd som Mola mola, är en av de mest märkliga fiskar som finns i havet. På grund av sin runda, tillplattade form påminner de om en kvarnsten, kallad mola på latin. Klumpfisken finns i både tempererade och tropiska områden runt om i världen. De ses ofta nära ytan, en fantastisk plats att bevittna när de solar sig i solen för att höja sin kroppstemperatur efter djupa dyk i havet, ibland så djupt som 600 meter!

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Stormunnade, kraftiga havsabborrar består av flera marina fiskarter från familjen Serranidae, främst från släktena Epinephelus och Mycteroperca. Du kan dyka med olika arter av havsgrouper i alla världshav. De lever i varma, tropiska vatten och gillar att patrullera runt rev och skeppsvrak.

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Muränor är en av de mest fascinerande fiskarna på revet och finns i nästan alla storlekar och färger, från den lilla, ljusblåa bandålen, den minsta är i genomsnitt bara 25 cm lång, till den svartspräckliga jättemurännen som kan bli upp till 4 meter lång! Det finns faktiskt nästan 200 olika arter. De flesta muränor är havslevande fiskar, men flera arter har setts i bräckt vatten, och bara några få finns i sötvatten. De skiljer sig tydligt från andra revfiskar med sina långa, slingrande kroppar, spetsiga nosar fulla av vassa tänder och långa ryggfenor som löper över hela kroppens längd. Oavsett art är dessa djur alltid spännande att se under dykning.

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Sandålen omfattar flera små fiskarter inom familjen sandlansar, Ammodytidae. I motsats till sitt namn är sandålen inte alls en ål utan en distinkt smal fisk med spetsig nos, vilket ger den ett utseende som en ål. Sandålen har fått sitt namn från sitt unika beteende att gräva ner sig i sanden med stjärten först för att undkomma rovdjur. Dykare kan se sandålar sticka upp huvudet över den sandtäckta botten, ibland hundratals åt gången i ett enda område.

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Ormåttornen är lätta att känna igen på sina långa, ormliknande kroppar och sin spetsiga svans och nos. De kan vara mellan 5 cm och 2,3 m långa och har vanligtvis färgglada fläckar eller ränder. Namnet "ormål" står för över 200 marina fiskarter inom familjen Ophichthidae, som alla är mer fogliga än sina aggressiva kusiner, muränorna. Ormåler lever över hela världen, oftast i varma, tropiska vatten eller på tempererade platser. De har ett brett utbud av livsmiljöer, från grunda rev ner till havets djup.

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